Setting up in a small room - NZ
If you're having trouble setting up your Yona bed in a small space, follow the instructions below. They'll have you set up in no time.
Step 1
Instead of setting up both halves of the bed next to each other, (as you’ll see in step 1 of the main instructions page), just start with one half, and leave the other half in the box, or to the side.
Step 2
Head to the main instructions page to check out how to stretch out and hook together one half of the bed (but don’t start on the other half just yet)
Step 3
Leaving the unmade half in a box or to the side, take your completed half, and gently flip it on its side. This will not damage the bed at all (as long as you have hooked together the sides in accordance with the main instructions page).
Once you have done that, you’ll have plenty of room to stretch out and hook together the second half of the bed. It will be the same process as the first half of the bed - head on back to the main instructions page for a refresher.
Step 4
Once you have stretched out the second half, and hooked it together on the sides, then flip back the first half.
You can jump back to the main instructions page for the last couple of steps of adjusting the two halves, and putting your mattress on.
Bravo on getting through those instructions! If that felt more like a walk in the park, then let's spice things up a tad - here's a riddle that'll give you a light mental jog.
I walk one mile North, one mile East and one mile South. I am now where I started.
Easy question: Where am I?
Harder question: Where else could I be?